10 Top Niches for Affiliate Marketing in 2020


    You may be here because you are new to affiliate marketing. You may be here because you are struggling to find affiliate offers. I am here to help alleviate this issue for you today.

    If you are new, there are two main strategies you can choose from. You can choose a niche where there is money. The other is you can choose one where you hope is money. Proven niches have more money in them than the ones that are untested for sure.

    If you have the time and resources you can try to find one that hasn’t been discovered and tapped into. The wise decision is to use a niche that is proven to be profitable. 

    Let’s get started!


    This is a very lucrative market. The global golf industry is worth around $12.5 billion a year. The average golfer spends almost $300 a month. It doesn’t matter whether you are rich or poor. Everyone who golfs spends money on trying to make their game better. You can gain traction by creating tips and training content in this field. There is a high demand for technical knowledge in this field.

    Home Security

    I don’t know if you have ever had your home broken into. If you have, you know it’s a terrible feeling. 1.24 million homes are broken into yearly. When this happens, people tend to invest a lot of money in protecting their homes and families. There are a lot of people looking for home protection. This is a hot niche and you can feel good about helping people as well as make money doing it as well.

    Online Dating

    This is a huge one.. It’s grown and expanded in leaps and bounds over the past 20 years. It’s been around since the beginning of affiliate marketing. The online dating industry is estimated at $2 billion a year. It grows around 6% every year. The crazy part is 24% of the population use or have used them. Helping people find love is very lucrative. 


    Travel is a major market in these times. Never before in human history has the travel market seen such a boom. Travel is a $7 trillion a year industry at the moment. This is the largest affiliate niche right now. You can market for airlines, travel agencies, hotels, and even car rental services. You can also even add clothing and luggage as well. There are tons of sub-niches here. There is a ton of freedom and direction with this one.


    I have been a gamer since the atari 2600. I never thought that esports and streaming could end up being a profession for most. I never thought mobile gaming would be larger than console gaming. Times have changed. Affiliate marketing for mobile gaming is huge. There are roughly 2.5 billion gamers worldwide. Like golf, people are always buying something to take their gaming to the next level. This could go from a new GPU or video card to a new chair or headphones. Think about people that are streaming, they could need a new mic or camera. Keep in mind this a very competitive niche.

    Home Decor

    This niche is great. It’s evergreen also. If you don’t know what this means, it means that is a niche that is always going to be around. People are always buying home decor. The average price of spending is between $500 and $5000 on decorating and home renovations. This could be to buy stuff to stage a house if you are selling or just changing things up to look nicer. There is always something needing to be done. This could be painting your walls. You may need a new couch or other living room furniture. This could even be narrowed down to power tools in a sub-niche.


    Despite what people may think, it is not oversaturated. It is competitive, yet there is still money to be made. People are always getting in debt or may need money loans for help. The issue here is you just need to have your own angle and work harder than you would in any other niche.  This is a great niche but is only recommended for veterans.


    26 million people go on cruises yearly. Each package is normally averaged at $3,600 a pop. I know it’s a lot of math, but it adds up to close to $125 billion dollars a year. There are tons of types of cruises. Family, singles, and even rock music cruises. This can be very lucrative with the right approach. You may want to look up sub-niches here. 


    This is an evergreen niche as well. Fitness is always going to be around. This could be equipment, training, clothing, or dietary needs. Trends may change, but the idea and need will always be here. In the US this niche is valued at around $3.7 Trillion. Depending on how you approach this niche, it can be very lucrative. There are a lot of sub-niches here.


    Millions of musicians are born every year. By the age of 6, 28% of children are learning to play an instrument. That number jumps up to 40% by the age of 14. Also, think about the number of people that pick up learning and instrument later in life. This is an extremely lucrative niche. In all honesty, this is an easy one to make money off of. You just need to provide an offer in front of someone’s eyes. You just need to find an offer that can be profitable. This may take some digging. Once you find the offers you should be set.

    As you can see this is a giant rabbit hole. There are tons of other niches. Here are some more examples for you. 

    Weight Loss

    -Real Estate

    -Debt Settlement











    -Baby Products




    -Christian (Religion)



    -Organic Products




    -Personal Development

    -Essential Oils





    There are way more out there, but that should keep you busy for a bit. I hope you can find something you are passionate about on this list. You should be able to figure something out and start making money with your list. ‘Till next time.